24 October 2007

About hypnosis but not hypnotists

Some people recognize the powers of hypnosis to understand and recover from a past experience or to help them to improve their lives – like for example stop smoking. It is used as a method in psychology although it's results are doubtful.
It is at the border of science and belief.
Either as self hypnosis or self reassurance, there are things that more or less consciously is part of the way we keep ourselves calmer, motivated, enthusiastic. What are the role that these things play in our lives and how can do we use them?

In Daries Book hypnotism and self motivation is not explored in an accurate scientific approach. The importance is given to the experience of trying, exploring in an attept to know better ourselves as individuals.

Self-hypnosis is in this work a long term learning process and possibly a changing process.

Self-hypnotism and suggestion methodologies have two states or two phases:
Induction: preparation to suggestion. And here the methods and techniques seem to be very diverse. Most used is relaxation not to sleep but to calm down the body activity.
Suggestion: which will be induced sending messages to the brain, now that the way to a non conscience state is open. Response may be expected to be immediate or take a long time, depending on the goal aimed at.

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